
Welcome to Tianyi's personal website.
Here you'll learn a little about me, my research, my passion, and my cats.

About Me

My name is Tianyi Chu, and I'm a 1st year PhD student at UT Health Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Graduating from UC Santa Barbara in Mathematics and Statistics and Data Science, and from Yale University in Biostatistics, I'm now pursuing my PhD degree in Quantitative Sciences, seeking to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical cancer research.

Currently, I'm doing my rotation in Dr. Wenyi Wang's lab at MD Anderson Cancer Center.


My Research

My research focuses on the convergence of mathematics, statistics, and cancer biology. I am particularly interested in developing innovative mathematical models to better understand complex biological systems and designing novel statistical methodologies to enhance the analysis and interpretation of clinical cancer research studies.

I've found myself enjoying working on the topics of tumor heterogeneity, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, high-dimensional multi-omics data analysis, and chemostat modelling of constitutive mixotrophy.

Read more in my paper: Competition between phytoplankton and mixotrophs leads to metabolic character displacement


My Passion

Outside of work, I devote my time to scuba diving, tennis, reading, learning languages, and video gaming.

  • • During high school, I was an ecodiver for Malaysia's coral reef conservation programs. I am now a PADI-certified advanced scuba diver specializing in fish identification and coral reef conservation.
  • • I enjoy reading prose, classical romance, and poetry. Of course I’ve read all the works of Jane Austen. Some of my favorite books from 2024 include:
  • • I have two exotic shorthair cats. Pumpkin, my beloved orange tabby, lives with my parents in China. Ochako, a tortie lynx point, made a journey with me from Southern California to Connecticut, and now we reside happily together in Houston.

Contact Information

  • Email: Tianyi.Chu@uth.tmc.edu